Right now, there are


customers out, and


power outages.

1.026% of customers are without power.
Last updated: April 25, 2024 at 5:40 PM ET ET
(Calculating update time...)


11,000.0% (+3,190 customers) in the last hour
Up 5,009.52% (+3,156 customers) in the last 3 hours
Up 3,923.75% (+3,139 customers) in the last 6 hours
Up 2,995.19% (+3,115 customers) in the last 12 hours


6,600.0% (+66 outages) in the last hour
Up 1,575.0% (+63 outages) in the last 3 hours
Up 1,240.0% (+62 outages) in the last 6 hours
Up 3,250.0% (+65 outages) in the last 12 hours
72-hour records

3,219 customers out

1.026% customers out
(This is a new record in the last 72 hours)

67 outages

(This is a new record in the last 72 hours)
Chart type:

About CenHud Outage Trends
CenHud Outage Trends collects historical data on Central Hudson's outage statistics over the last 3 days. Included are graphs, and trend data for the last 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours.

Data is updated every 10 minutes, and your browser will automatically refresh the site.

v3.5.0 - © 2021-2023 owenthe.dev
Source code: https://gitlab.com/o355/chtrends (under AGPL v3 license)
CenHud Outage Trends API
Interested in interfacing directly with Central Hudson data & trend data? Check out the CenHud Outage Trends API.

Docs are available here: https://chtrends.owenthe.dev/api/